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Bridgeton Splash Park Facing Lawsuit Over Slip


Bridgeton Splash Park, in Bridgeton, New Jersey, is facing a lawsuit after one of its patrons was involved in a slip and fall accident.

Splash Park, in Bridgeton, New Jersey is facing a lawsuit after a woman claims she slipped at one of its water features on only the second day it was open on June 2nd, 2013. She is suing the city and various companies involved with the construction of the 7,500 square-foot water attraction. A personal injury lawsuit was filed; with the claims, the defendants are guilty of negligence in their duties to ensure the park was safe for visitors.

Injuries alleged to have been caused are injuries to the left arm, most damaging being a fracture to the left humerus bone, requiring surgery to fuse the bone with plates and screws, as well as injury to the shoulder and spraining of the left wrist. Claims of negligence include defective materials used, improper inspection of said materials and supervision during installation, leading to an improper confirmation of the finished article being suitable for public use. This negligence lead to a serious slip and fall injury on only the second day of the water parks opening. The woman alleges that the city “in its safe operation of the water park … failed to properly supervise the members of the public who participated in the use of the water park … failed to properly train, instruct and supervise the employees charged with the responsibility of overseeing and operating in the park … failed to properly inspect, maintain and test the splash pad to ensure its slip resistance, and to implement appropriate safety rules.” Claims include that they also failed to provide adequate slip protection, something that would no doubt be expected to the negligence involved in the planning and implementation.

The splash pad the plaintiff claims to have slipped featured a concrete coating which was supposed to be non-slip, but with the lack of checks carried out, it has not proven to be the case. Improper preparation and installation can easily prevent non slip concrete coating from being effective. Improper preparation leads to the installation from lifting sometimes, even completely separating in worst-case scenarios. Improper installation can leave its non-slip properties ineffective. With many more slip prevention methods available, that are much more consistent and cost-effective, this is a perfect example of how negligence can cost you in the long run. The litigation is still ongoing at the time of writing.

The Importance Of Anti-Slip Tape

Anti-slip tape is the most effective non-slip solution on the market, its strong grip properties and simple implementation make our products favored and widely used. The main reason for Safety-Grip tape is to improve the safety of personnel when walking on slippery surfaces to reduce the chance of any injuries. At Heskins LLC, we produce a wide range of non-slip tapes, such as abrasive tapes and non-abrasive tapes, to meet any user requirements.

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